Every man has a goal in life, mine is to drink every energy drink in the world!

In this process i want to review, categorize and describe every one of them. The idea is to create a database of all energydrink i ever drunk, completely with ingredients like caffeine or sugar.

For that i will design a database scheme which can handle my demands, as well as a web frontend which is able to search through and view the entries very similar to a cms. Currently there is only a static site generator with some templates, more will come.

Keep in Mind

... that this project is an VERY early stage and i am currently mostly interested in creating data entries of drinks i drank. Occasionally i will implement of what i think are "cool" features like a changelog or RSS feed but do not expect a great deal of changes in a very short timespan.

It would be really really glad if anyone could provide useful informations how to make the design for the front page and the single drink pages, because i am somewhat retarded in that way.

Even better would be a pull request with fixed css and/or mustache template files.

Installation and Usage

you will need the following things to add new drinks automagically and generate the database.

Help me!

I would be more than glad if something of this project helped you, you may send me one of the energy drinks i have never drank before ( check db). Send me a quick mail and we might meet up somewhere here in germany.

Author and Maintainer

Felix Richter ( energydb !KHAN! )

replace KHAN with what you would expect to be here if you want to write an email to me


The source code and data are licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 BY (CC-by). If you want to make use of my data you can do so no problem as long as you give appropriate credit and indicate when you made changes :). See for a human readable form of the license.